Emergency Volunteer Respect Act

Emergency Volunteer Respect Act (Queensland) – 1st Working Group Meeting held

Monday, 25th July 2016

Friday saw the first working group meeting to assess the viability of introducing an Emergency Volunteer Respect Act (EVRA) in Queensland.

The RFBAQ has been working on the concept for 4 years since adopting the EVRA as policy in 2012 and we would like to thank the Queensland Government and the QFES for supporting the RFBAQ in bringing about the initial meeting.

In May 2015 the RFBAQ contact each political party represented in Queensland Parliament outlining the initial concept of a EVRA, there was widespread support for the concept, on the 14th January 2016 the RFBAQ and the QSESVA (then known as SESAQ) publicly called for a EVRA for Queensland and July 2016 saw the commencement of work on the outlined draft structure.

Emergency Volunteers in Queensland fall within 3 separate pieces of legislation as they are supported by a number of Government Departments such as Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services; Health Department and Police, Fire and Emergency Services. The proposal is to have 1 single piece of legislation administered by Department of Premiers and Cabinet that would encompass all EV organisations.

An EVRA would allow for Emergency Volunteers, who respond and provide recovery operations to the vast majority of communities across Queensland, to be members of a EV Council that provides support and advice to the heart of Government.

This grass roots driven proposal from an Emergency Volunteer Association gives both credibility and validity to the empowerment of emergency volunteers reflecting the principles outlined in the attached presentation.

Please take the time to go through each slide to understand that the proposed EVRA is not a punitive tool, rather a way of codifying conversations and process that will empower emergency volunteers and reduce red tape at a minimal cost to Government. Also in there is the proposed pathway for wider engagement of the EVRA with the other Emergency Volunteer representative Associations.

The Council of Australian Volunteer Fire Associations (CAVFA) and the National State Emergency Service Volunteer Association are both very interested in following the process that Queensland adopts for its Emergency Volunteers as a number of other State Emergency Volunteer.

Very rarely in the political landscape is there an opportunity presented to participate in a grass roots, bi-partisan, non-politically charged proposal to create new and revolutionary legislation that empowers the people who defend Queensland communities for free.

The RFBAQ feels privileged to be driving this proposal that will have positive ongoing outcomes for all Emergency Volunteers in Queensland.

Currently there is no facility for the Premier or Government of Queensland to directly access opinions and suggestions from Emergency Volunteers (EVs).

An EVRA would:

  • Equip communities with better defence and recovery needed with threat of Climate Change, EVRA would provide a vehicle to engage and support EV's along with a voice. If climate change isn't real then we are still better off with more volunteers and better defended communities.
  • Ensures that EV organisations are being consulted with by their department through their Committee Groups, this would allow the majority of items to be resolved quickly and having a way to bring up unresolved matters or highlight common issues, improvements and sharing of information.
  • EVRA would allow EV's voice to be heard and in turn the government will be able to talk to them.
  • Although EVRA encompasses EV organisations, outside organisations are still represented through Volunteering Australia and Volunteering Queensland.
  • EVRA would decouple funding with having a voice and allow for multi-agencies to sit at the one table.

Why a Emergency Volunteer Respect Act (EVRA)

Emergency volunteers are not amateurs who step in to save the day.  We are the front line of everyday emergency response and recovery, through Rural Fire Brigades, State Emergency Services, Coast Guard, Volunteer Marine Rescue, St Johns Ambulance and more.

Modern emergency volunteers are men and women who train to the highest standards and deal with modern threats, like hazardous materials, burning plastics, fire suppressant foam, terrorist threats and meth labs. In addition to bushfire, cyclone, flood and storm.

We use digital communications, breathing apparatus, chemical suits, defibrillators and infra-red cameras. Run air bases, logistic chains, evacuation centres and meet the emergency needs of our communities to the best of our abilities and beyond.

To put that in context; Australia’s fire services alone have over a quarter of a million volunteers, from the front line to the highest levels of Incident Control, and in many specialist and support roles.  Our labour in fire alone is worth billions every year, and that is before we consider the uncountable cost of the lives and property saved.

While the hazards we combat and the methods we use are well into the 21st century, the law’s recognition and protection of emergency volunteers is generation’s out of date, and hard legislation in the form of a Emergency Volunteer Respect Act (EVRA) is the answer.

A Emergency Volunteer Respect Act would provide the legal framework that is necessary to ensure that emergency volunteers keep volunteering well into the 21st century.

It would guarantee emergency volunteers certain legal rights and protections as we go about our duties, consultation on issues that affect us, the resources to get the job done, recognition of skills, and protection for employers and others who support us.

It would give clear direction to State and Federal Governments on all matters, Acts, Legislation, regulations, deeds, contracts and enterprise agreements that at present have negative impacts on volunteers’ rights; the work that volunteers can do; and the opportunity for volunteers to have a genuine and equal say on matters that affect us.

With a EVRA, Parliament can protect and support the volunteers who provide essential modern emergency services, and it can recognise the value of their skills, experience and contribution to the community.

The EVRA must be hard legislation.  It’s easy to say thank you, and thanks are certainly due, but real recognition of the value of volunteers, real respect for the expertise and contribution of volunteers needs to be demonstrated by ensuring volunteers’ rights are protected; ensuring volunteers are not disadvantaged through their volunteer contribution; ensuring volunteers are not discriminated against in any way; and ensuring efforts are focused on making it easier to volunteer, not harder.

Changes in Industrial Relations, litigation and Occupational Health and Safety requirements mean volunteers need a modern legislative framework to protect them, to remove barriers and to allow us to keep protecting our diverse community’s needs.

We must make the law recognise modern emergency volunteers, guarantee us all reasonable rights and protections, support our volunteering choice and prevent other legislation from handicapping us as we train, provide day to day emergency response and serve in our tens of thousands during major emergencies.

It is only fair that we who protect the community have its protection, in the form of hard legislation - a Emergency Volunteer Respect Act.

Proposed contents and key points for the development of a Emergency Volunteer Respect Act

The driving thinking behind the Emergency Volunteer Respect Act concept recognises that emergency service volunteers work in unique operating environments and organisational resource models, alongside paid workers and delivering professional levels of service equivalent to that of paid workers, but without the rights, protections, recognition etc. of paid workers.
The proposed Emergency Volunteer Respect Act would give clear direction to State and Federal Governments on all matters, Acts, Regulations, Enterprise Agreements, deeds, contracts and other documentation which deals with or potentially impacts on volunteers.

Its provisions would be enforceable with penalties for those who disobey it by act or omission.  All subsequent legislation, deeds, Enterprise Agreements and contracts would then have to pass the filter of the Emergency Volunteer Respect Act before they could be enacted.

The Act will need to be discussed and drafted among volunteer representatives, then sent to all states and all volunteer associations and groups for discussion.  We will need to assess those other organisations’ needs and suggestions, and build up the evidence and rhetoric required to garner their support.

The Act will offer stability and a clear set of rules and protections for volunteers.  It will enable the best use of their abilities and ensure healthy, cohesive, volunteer-based emergency services that are fully integrated, with paid and unpaid professionals working effectively to protect the community.

The Act shall consolidate the law relating to the treatment and respect of volunteers.


Emergency Volunteer Respect Act

The Act shall have the following principles – 

Respecting rights

  • Respect the rights of Volunteers to enable them to perform their roles without discrimination, no loss of legal standing, no disadvantage or loss of integrity and provide for all persons a means to volunteer according to their capacity without discrimination;


  • Enshrine for volunteers the right to be consulted with, in advance on any matters which might impact on volunteer rights or duties and have agreement between the parties on any matters which might impact on volunteers;

Integration with legislation

  • Ensure all subsequent legislation, deeds and contracts as far as is permissible by law, is reviewed to ensure compliance with these principles does not unfairly impact on the rights of volunteers in the performance of their duties;


  • Enables volunteers to have reasonable adequate resources to be able to perform their roles in a manner that is safe and without risks to their health;


  • Provide for an education fund for volunteers to assist with enhancing skills of volunteers directly for the public good;

Consultation, leadership and engagement

  • Provide for a consultative body empowered to sign off on all matters pertaining to the rights of volunteers and which is made up of representatives from a range of accountable volunteer stakeholders;


  • Enable breaches by persons or organisations to be properly dealt with according to Law;

A fair go without hardship

  • Where not already provided for, to establish a volunteer hardship support fund to assist volunteers, which meet certain criteria, to provide for their personal costs and losses incurred as a part of their volunteering efforts;

No discrimination for supporters of volunteers

  • Not discriminate against persons who support volunteers or assist with establishing, providing and maintaining services, training or support to volunteers;

Skills recognition

  • Provide for recognition of volunteers’ skills to agreed national competency levels and where a volunteer has been competently assessed, not discriminate against a volunteer in any way including the basis of qualifications and experience.

Out of pocket expenses

  • Where otherwise not expressly provided for, provide for the reimbursement for out of pocket costs incurred by volunteers as a direct cause of them volunteering if they so wish to claim on an appropriate scale as yet to be determined; and

Immunity from prosecution

  • Provide for immunity from prosecution for volunteers and those who are directly supporting volunteers whilst performing their duties and acting in good faith.

    Volunteer Rights

    Volunteer rights include but are not limited to –

    a)      Volunteers work in an environment which is apolitical, performing its functions in an impartial and professional manner

    b)      Volunteers are engaged in a service in which engagement and duty decisions are based on merit

    c)       Volunteers are engaged in a work place that is free from discrimination and recognises and utilises the diversity of the Australian community it serves

    d)      Volunteers respect and have the highest ethical standards

    e)      Volunteers respect organisations which are openly accountable for their actions, within the framework of Ministerial responsibility to the Government, the Parliament and the Australian public

    f)       Volunteers are engaged in an organisation which is responsible in providing frank, honest, comprehensive, accurate and timely advice in all matters and programs

    g)      Volunteers are engaged in an organisation that fairly, effectively, impartially and courteously involves the Australian public and is sensitive to the diversity of the Australian public

    h)      Volunteers are engaged in an organisation that has leadership of the highest quality

    i)        Volunteers are engaged in an organisation in which workplace relations that value communication, consultation, co-operation and input from volunteers and employees on matters that affect their workplace

    j)        Volunteers are engaged in an organisation that provides a fair, flexible, safe and rewarding workplace

    k)      Volunteers are engaged in an organisation that focuses on achieving results and managing performance

    l)        Volunteers are engaged in an organisation that promotes equity in membership, relations and employment

    m)    Volunteers are engaged in an organisation that provides a reasonable opportunity to all eligible members of the community to apply for volunteer membership and employment as the case may be

    n)      Volunteers are engaged in an organisation that provides a fair system of review of decisions taken in respect of volunteers and employees

Why a Queensland Emergency Volunteer Respect Act (EVRA)

A Queensland Emergency Volunteer Respect Act (EVRA) will recognise that emergency service volunteers work in unique operating environments and organisational resource models, alongside paid workers and delivering professional levels of service equivalent to that of paid workers, but without the rights, protections, recognition etc. of paid workers.

The most recent experience of this was the 2024 wholesale legislative and detrimental change to all the Rural Fire Brigades in Queensland without real or honest consultation. An action that would not have been permissible to paid staff covered under industrial agreements or instruments.


A Queensland EVRA would:

  • Ensure consultation with Emergency Volunteer (EV) organisations happens as there currently is no requirement for consultation;
  • Enable Government to communicate or enquire on Emergency Volunteer (EV) organisations as there is currently no ability for them to do so;
  • Be non-operational;
  • Ensure that correct process were followed.
  • Ensure Emergency Volunteers have a voice that is recognized;
  • Identify potential issues early and internally;
  • Support a process that brings Emergency Volunteer representative organisations together;
  • Decouple money from having a voice;
  • Provide advice and feedback to Minister for Volunteers and Government;
  • Increase in Emergency Volunteer recruitment.


What is an Emergency Volunteer?

The inclusivity of the EVRA will be driven by defining what an “Emergency Volunteer” is and by doing so will:

  • Develop parameters for form and function of Emergency Volunteers a representative associations;
  • Will include agencies that meet interpolative guidelines;
  • Ensure inclusive and adaptable voice;
  • Allow for associations to migrate in/out as form and function changes.


Emergency Volunteer Respect Act (EVRA) would have an Emergency Volunteer (EV) Council that:

  • Will refer to appropriate established dispute processes;
  • Is an environment which is apolitical, performing its functions in an impartial and professional manner;
  • Is not a complaints process;
  • Will ensure that most matters will be dealt with at local service committee level;
  • Provide greater active voices for Emergency Volunteer Associations;
  • Will have EVRA staff to support all EV Associations in finding their voice and to promote their EV organisation;
  • Report annually to Parliament.




  • Respecting rights

Respect the rights of emergency volunteers to enable them to perform their roles without discrimination, no loss of legal standing, no disadvantage or loss of integrity and provide for all persons a means to volunteer according to their capacity without discrimination;

  • Consultation

Enshrine for emergency volunteers the right to be consulted with, in advance on any matters which might impact on volunteer rights or duties and have agreement between the parties on any matters which might impact on emergency volunteers;

  • Integration with legislation

Ensure all subsequent legislation, deeds and contracts as far as is permissible by law, is reviewed to ensure compliance with these principles does not unfairly impact on the rights of emergency volunteers in the performance of their duties;

  • Resources

Enables emergency volunteers to have reasonable adequate resources to be able to perform their roles in a manner that is safe and without risks to their health;

  • Education

Provide for an education fund for emergency volunteers to assist with enhancing skills of volunteers directly for the public good;

  • Compliance

Enable breaches by persons or organisations to be properly dealt with according to Law;

  • A fair go without hardship

Where not already provided for, to establish a emergency volunteer hardship support fund to assist emergency volunteers who meet certain criteria, to provide for their personal costs and losses incurred as a part of their volunteering efforts;

  • Skills recognition

Provide for recognition of emergency volunteers’ skills to agreed national competency levels and where an emergency volunteer has been competently assessed, not discriminate against a volunteer in any way including the basis of qualifications and experience.

  • Out of pocket expenses

Where otherwise not expressly provided for, provide for the reimbursement for out of pocket costs incurred by emergency volunteers as a direct cause of them volunteering if they so wish to claim;

  • Immunity from prosecution

Provide for immunity from prosecution for emergency volunteers and those who are directly supporting emergency volunteers whilst performing their duties and acting within the law and in good faith.


Justin Choveaux

General Manager / RFBAQ

gm@rfbaq.org 0428218507