Thank you for letting your staff wear another hat

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In the midst of what is a very long and testing fire season, many employers are standing behind their volunteer firefighters who are standing behind a hose.

Click here to download thank you poster.

There are 26,500 Rural Fire Brigade members across Queensland who volunteer to go forward and defend communities from bushfire and also provide storm, flood and cyclone clean-up.

This year we are going to need every one of them.

Employer information flyers can be downloaded here as can the FairWork community service leave information.

New stock of our "Supportive Business" stickers has just arrived from our printer, who is also a Rural Fire Brigade member and very active firefighter.

These have been enormously popular lately with brigades to distribute to employers of brigade members and to businesses that have been supporting their local brigades with goods and services.


Brigade secretaries / 1st Officers can order these and much more, free of charge from the RFBAQ Brigade Resources page.

The RFBAQ is an association that exists to service its membership, which is all Rural Fire Brigades in Queensland.

The objects for which the Association is established are: -  

  1. To consider and make representation in matters affecting the welfare and efficiency of Rural 
    Fire Brigades and Brigade Members.
  2. To provide financial assistance and support to Rural Fire Brigades and their Brigade 

Here is a list of grants and support supplied to Rural Fire Brigades and brigade members by the RFBAQ.
Image of RFBAQ

Got a Rural Fire Brigade that you love?

The RFBAQ has seen a huge number of brigade specific donations come in over the last few weeks from...

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Image of RFBAQ

12 Fire Trucks In 3 Years

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