With the new RFSQ Areas, there is a need for new RFBAQ representatives.
Nomination forms have been sent to brigades in -
Area 6 Cape York
Area 4 Torres Peninsula
Area 8 Goldfield
Area 23 South Coast
Area 16 Roma
Area 19 Dalby
RFBAQ Area Representatives are volunteers elected to represent your brigade and the brigades in your Area.
The Association provides support and financial assistance to brigades and volunteers across the State.
This position provides brigade volunteers with a voice for your area enabling items of improvement or concern to be carried by the RFBAQ State Executive for discussion with Management of Queensland Fire Department (QFD), RFSQ Management and the Minister.
Brigades have the ability to nominate a suitable person that will adequately represent the whole of their Inspectors Area. Each rural fire brigade is entitled to one (1) nomination.
Please forward the completed nomination forms to the Returning Officer by 21st April 2025.
Justin Choveaux
Returning Officer