
Overseas Deployment 2024 Expression of Interest

Written by RFBAQ | July 14, 2024 9:16:57 PM Z

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now being sought from RFSQ volunteers and staff wishing to be considered for overseas deployment in 2024.

Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFSQ) is committed to being operationally ready ahead of any potential request made of Australian fire-fighting agencies.

Currently, as of the 14th of July, there is an immediate request for suitably qualified volunteers to deploy to Canada in the following positions:

  • Sector Commander
  • Divisional Commander
  • Planning Officer
  • Operations Officer

The current forecast is for sustained operational activity for the duration of their summer and therefore with forward planning in mind, we seek the following positions: (Of noting nil requests)

  • Arduous Firefighters
  • Strike Team Leaders
Who can apply

All staff and volunteers are welcome and encouraged to apply.  

Personnel are only considered for deployment where their qualifications and experience are equivalent to the USA/Canada standards in the position for which they will deploy, and the role specified in the request for resources.

Please be aware that each request will be different, and requirements will be defined at the time of request. This may not include all roles that have been requested previously.

Deployment Conditions

As you can appreciate, there are several requirements that will need to be met to ensure the safety of our members while overseas.

Deployment Duration:

Overseas deployments are a minimum of 40 days with travel requirements either side and those nominating need to be prepared to be away from home for that length of time prior to submitting an application.


All nominating personnel must be able to complete a medical assessment. Nominating personnel must be pronounced medically fit for unrestricted fire line duties, in accordance with AFAC Forest Fire Management Group (FFMG) standards.

Due to overseas requirements, there is a necessity for all personnel deploying to be eligible for casual employment conditions commensurate with the QFD requirements (under 65 years of age).


All personnel nominating for the roles of operations officer, divisional/sector commanders, aviation, field officer, heavy plant, safety or firefighting roles, if selected, will be required to successfully pass the FFMG arduous level fitness test that directly equates to USA/Canada standards – arduous level fitness test (pack hike test over 4.83km with 20.4kg pack within 45 minutes) – and have recent experience on large fires in tall timber in steep, mountainous, rugged terrain.

All personnel nominating and selected for incident management team roles (with the exception of the operations officer) will need to successfully complete the field walk test. Personnel must walk 1.6km on level ground without additional weight, in 16 minutes or under.

Other considerations in your availability status:
  • Ensure your passport is up to date, with at least six (6) months until expiry.
  • be aware if selected, you will require a medical and a fitness test prior to departure.
  • seasonal influenza vaccination (recommended); and
  • ability to apply for your ESTA (USA) and ETA (Canada) online through the official government site,noting that an ESTA has a validity of two (2) years while the ETA is valid for five (5) years once approved.
How to apply

To proceed with your application, please contact your Area Manager directly, providing relevant evidence in meeting the above listed deployment conditions.  

Please note, submitting your application is the first stage of the process and does not equate to approval.

What happens next?

Your application will go through a review process with your Area and Regional Office to validate your qualifications, experience, and suitability, prior to endorsement by the relevant Deputy Chief Officer.

You will need to register again, regardless of if your application has previously been approved or if you were deployed in 2023.

It is your responsibility to continue to maintain your deployable status by ensuring you keep your details up to date should your circumstances change.

If your EOI is accepted, eligibility for a deployment will be determined if and when a request for assistance is received.

Acceptance of any application does not guarantee your deployment, as each request is specific to the circumstances/needs of the requesting country.

However, it is equally important that RFSQ maintains a register of validated and approved personnel in a wide range of roles who are able to deploy at short notice in the event a request is forthcoming.