Minister’s Message for the upcoming 2025 issue of Smoke Signals magazine

Image of RFBAQ

Picture1-2Honourable Ann Leahy MP, Minister for Local Government and Water and Minister for Fire, Disaster Recovery and Volunteers; Member for Warrego.

 A Fresh Start

Queenslanders have put their faith in a new Government to deliver a fresh start for our great State. It is therefore my honour to be able to provide this message to you as the Minister for Local Government and Water and Minister for Fire, Disaster Recovery and Volunteers.

As we focus on a re-design of a government that works for Queensland, each of us has a critical role to play. In terms of the Rural Fire Brigade, you are real grass roots people coming together for a fundamental purpose. While there is a broad range of responsibilities within the portfolio, we all share a common theme of commitment to our community.

This commitment was reflected in the recent deployment over the Christmas/New Year period with RFSQ volunteer members deploying to Victoria to assist with the bushfires burning in the Grampians. Throughout the 2024/25 season, there was also significant fire activity in Scenic Rim as well as the southwestern and northern areas of the State.

Expression of Gratitude

On behalf of the Government, I would like to express our gratitude to all Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFSQ) volunteer members across the State. Your dedication to the task of keeping Queenslanders safe in challenging times serves as a true inspiration. While I have had the pleasure of meeting some of you over the years, I very much look forward to meeting many more in the near future.

Supporting Volunteering

In my Ministerial Charter letter from the Premier, it emphasises the need to work with the Queensland Fire Department to among other things, ensure adequate and sustainable resourcing for Rural Fire Brigades. This involves delivering effective communications technology to boost response capabilities and enhance firefighter safety. It also includes training and equipment that meet Brigade members’ needs.

Last year saw significant reforms across the emergency services sector, including an uplift to Rural Fire Service Queensland. These changes involved new roles to support Brigades, more legal protections for members and funding for new and replacement appliances. Importantly, another focus will be innovation.

Going forward, while being mindful of the State’s constrained financial position due to record debt, there are some exciting opportunities ahead.

Queensland has been built on the back of volunteers, particularly in rural and regional areas. Unfortunately, volunteer numbers have been dropping across the State and there are many reasons for this happening. In an endeavour to address the declining numbers, the Government introduced a Parliamentary Inquiry into Breaking Down Barriers to Volunteering within our first 100 days. The Inquiry will take submissions up until the end of February and will provide a set of recommendations designed to drive up participation rates and improve opportunities for the volunteer workforce.


While there are plenty of challenges in front of us, there are many exciting opportunities we can embrace. Importantly, the Government is committed to working with the RFBAQ – giving you a voice and will continue to strengthen support for our dedicated volunteer members.

Image of RFBAQ

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