Love your local Rural Fire Brigade?

Image of RFBAQ


Brigade Specific Donation – 100% of the money goes to the specified brigade and you get a tax deductible receipt.

Donation to the RFBAQ – tax deductible donation goes towards supporting brigade members, buying equipment for brigades and advocating for better support from government.

Buy an Art Union ticket, and you might win a new car or a fabulous consolation prize.

Here is a list of grants and support supplied to Rural Fire Brigades and brigade members by the RFBAQ.


The RFBAQ is an association that exists to service its membership, which is all Rural Fire Brigades in Queensland.

The objects for which the Association is established are: -

  1. To consider and make representation in matters affecting the welfare and efficiency of Rural Fire Brigades and Brigade Members.
  2. To provide financial assistance and support to Rural Fire Brigades and their Brigade Members.

Link to RFBAQ constitution -

Image of RFBAQ

RFBAQ Brigade Specific Donations

Quick, transparent, 100% passed onto brigade.

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Image of RFBAQ

Got a Rural Fire Brigade that you love?

The RFBAQ has seen a huge number of brigade specific donations come in over the last few weeks from...

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