Grants Approved March 2023

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The RFBAQ Management Committee met Friday 31st March and approved three grants.

Cynthia Jones RFBCynthia Jones Rural Fire Brigade in the Burnett RFSQ area will receive $7,500 to assist with the cost of a shipping container for storage, with Area Office also providing funding. The brigade services an area of 233 sqkm. A Primary Producer Brigade, Cynthia Jones RFB utilise slip-on units. On their request for a shipping container, the Area Director notes that it will be "in a strategic location for better access by its members for a more efficient response to vegetation fires in and around their properties and communities". The brigade has previously received RFBAQ funding to improve their communications. 




Mount Perry RFBMount Perry Rural Fire Brigade, also in the Burnett RFSQ area, will recieve $10,000 to assist with the cost of motors for roller doors, safety lighting and cabling. The brigade services an area of 1,522 sqkm. The brigade note that this grant will "contribute to enhancing quick response times and improve safety for volunteers". Earlier this year the brigade received backpack blowers through our Buy Local Brigade Grant program.





Booie Rise RFBBooie Rise Rural Fire Brigade, once again in the Burnett RFSQ area, will receive $10,000 to assist with the cost of a concrete slab for a washdown area, and gravel driveway. The brigade services an area of 57 sqkm. The Area Director notes that this project will "dramatically improve the appearance and functionality of the Booie Rise Fire Station" and will remove "WHS issues of slip, trips and falls". The brigade has previously received RFBAQ funding for a thermal imaging camera, security system and power supply, and an extension to their station for a training and meeting room.





If your brigade has a project that it is working on or is looking for ways of approving you community defence model, then think about an RFBAQ grant. Read about how to apply here, and download an application form.

Here is a list of what we have funded previously to give you an idea of what brigades are doing around the state.