Bushfire Heavy Attack Prototype + Project Electric Back at Gold Coast Group Games

Image of RFBAQ

Gold Coast Rural Fire Brigade Group will be holding their Group Games on Saturday 10th August.

From 9am - Alabaster Sports Fields on Alabaster Dr, Carrara.


  • Thinking of joining a brigade? – come along and see how volunteering to defend your community is so rewarding
  • In a brigade? – come along and get hands on with the Bushfire Heavy Attack Prototype + electric back
  • Pay a Rural Fire Levy in your rates? – come along and see what the money does for your community
  • Working out how to get a fire permit? – come along to find out about the 2,600 volunteer Fire wardens and how brigades can help you reduce your fire risk
  • Like new ideas and safety innovations? – come along and see the Bushfire Heavy Attack Prototype and project electric back
  • Like a good morning out in the sun on the Goldie? – so do we, so come along and say hello


The RFBAQ is supplying 2 handheld thermal imaging cameras as brigade member lucky door prizes.


Want more information?

Bushfire Heavy Attack Prototype webpage

Project Electric Back webpage

Gold Coast Rural Fire Brigade Group Facebook page

Image of RFBAQ

RFSQ Bushfire Heavy Attack Prototype

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Image of RFBAQ

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