12 Fire Trucks In 3 Years

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The first 6 RFBAQ designed and funded Landcruiser light attacks with the inbuilt rotor moulded water tanks have been in service for 3 years now and have seen hard service in remote areas across the state.

Feedback from brigades is that they are simple, tough and reliable.

The RFBAQ has now built 9 Landcruiser light attacks and given them to brigades.

In the last 3 years the RFBAQ has designed, built and given away 12 fire trucks to brigades across Queensland.

A huge thankyou to all of our supporters who make tax deductible donations or buy tickets in the RFBAQ Art Unions. 



The RFBAQ is an association that exists to service its membership, which is all Rural Fire Brigades in Queensland.

The objects for which the Association is established are: -

  1. To consider and make representation in matters affecting the welfare and efficiency of Rural Fire Brigades and Brigade Members.
  2. To provide financial assistance and support to Rural Fire Brigades and their Brigade Members.


Here is a list of grants and support supplied to Rural Fire Brigades and brigade members by the RFBAQ.


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Happy Supporter Gets Keys to New HiLux

"You've got to be kidding me?!"

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Avid Supporter Wins Car

Today the RFBAQ handed over a Toyota Kluger Grande Hybrid to Bill from Cooroibah.
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